Good evening bloggers...
I just wanted to tell you some lovely news...I've been nominated by the lovely Andrea for the Leibster Blog award. At first I have to confess I thought it was the blog equivalent of a chain letter - Shame on me.
It was only when I started seeing it on other blogs that I realised this was a hugh compliment and I feel honoured - Thank You Andrea.

The idea of the Leibster Blog Award is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs. This helps to spread knowledge and readership.
To accept the award, you must:
- Link back to the person who gave it and thank them for thinking of you.
- Post the award on your blog.
- Give the award to 5 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) that you appreciate and value.
- Leave a comment on the blogs of the 5 people you have chosen to let them know.
"Liebster" in German means "dearest", so to carry on the liebster tradition, I am going to pass the award on to 5 people who's blogs have been an inspiration to me and my crafting.
There are so many wonderful blogs that it is hard to chose just 5. I'm nominating people who haven't already received the award, so this has helped me in my choice.
My nominations are :
Jenny from Jenny's Craft Corner
Andie from Andie's Space
Mae from Ink'd Paper
Sarah from Created by Sarah
Eileen from Star's Cards
Please go and check out their blogs. There are some fantastic creations.
Thanks for dropping by.
Janine xx
Hey Janine, Thank you so much am so chuffed that you nominated me. Your work is lovely. I am your newest follower :-D xx
Hi Janine, sorry it's taken a little while to reply to your comment - life gets in the way sometimes!
Thank you very much for the award - what a lovely gesture!
Just been having a look through you gorgeous cards, lucky you to get on a colouring workshop with Bev Rochester! And hope your sons arm fully heals very quickly.
Am off now to follow you too.
Thanks for the compliment of nominating me Janine. Looking through your blog shows what a high degree of talent you have, your cards are beautiful.
Not quite recovered from my holiday yet but hopefully I will get back into the swing of cardmaking this weekend.
Thanks again
Eileen x
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